Monday, June 23, 2008

Comedy legend, George Carlin, dies at 71

I've got to say that this is a devastating loss for the world of comedy. Carlin, along with others like Sam Kinison and Richard Pryor, always went out of his way to push the envelope and change the world's (well anyone with a sense of humor anway) view toward many topics that a lot of people take far too seriously. A perfect example is one of my favorite Carlin skits ever, 7 Words. In order to avoid being scolded by blogger for posting "obscene" material, I'll just ask that you go to youtube (or your clip-viewing resource of choice) and search "george carlin 7 words"... it's probably the first result.

If you haven't seen one of his comedy hours, I highly suggest you go to the video store, youtube, limewire, or wherever and see one in entirety. They are all excellent. He will be missed.

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