Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Social Networking Wars // Current

This is a really funny video - shout out to Evan for sending it to me. The point of it: social networks are cyclical and have become lame...but, so apparently has the real world (hold for the kicker at the end). The most interesting part of the video is that it does a good job of painting our current thinking - that being out in the real world is inherently exclusive of social networking and being digitally connected. I think this is fundamentally changing, and a very quick pace. Sunday, I went and bought myself a new iPhone. It's shiny and new and fun, but more importantly, it has built in GPS. I downloaded the "Yelp" application (Yelp, for those that don't know is a user driven review site for restaurants). Wherever I happen to be, I can click on the "Yelp" app, and using the GPS it tells me the restaurants closest to me, as well as the ratings other users have assigned to it. This is powerful. This is something I used to do at my computer - now I can do it on the fly, no planning necessary. Now, imagine you can see where your friends are.. oh, Evan is around the block, I'll see if he wants to come with me to lunch. Don't try to imagine this, it's already happening (http://www.enterprise2blog.com/?p=686). Now it's just that simple matter of adoption (sarcasm alert..it's why most products fail). Either way, enjoy the video.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Think your gas prices are the worst? Find out now!

Nifty little map that color-codes the country based on the level of gas prices (right down to zip code). Love to see that Stamford, CT is right in that deep, deep red area.... fantastic.